Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Elsiane - Mend (To Fix, To Repair)

A destined encounter between singer/songwriter Elsieanne Caplette and drummer Stephane Sotto led to the creation of Elsiane, a duo that combines much more than its ... (more) creators' given names. Elsiane perfectly reflects this creative duo’s symbiotic relationship and creative approach. Musically, Elsiane is a hybrid of styles and influences. Their evocative compositions organically blend a pop sensibility with influences that range from classical music through jazz, rock and electronic. At once universally appealing and surprisingly intimate, their songs combine a polished surface and musical virtuosity with emotional depth and a highly personal vision. Creatively, Elsiane is a perfect fusion of these two musicians’ talents; drummer Stephane Sotto creates the rhythmic foundation that gently supports Elsieanne’s idiosyncratic and hauntingly expressive voice. The result is a lush musicality that intrinsically intertwines rhythm and melody - Elsiane is the sound of two hearts beating as one.

Download their hauntingly beautiful track "Mend (To Fix, To Repair)" from here.