Thursday, 16 December 2010

DJ Day RBMA Workshop, New Zealand.

I just got home from the Red Bull Music Academy Workshop with DJ Day at Red Bull NZ and honestly? I have left inspired. I discovered DJ Day from his work with Miles Bonny and of course there is his stunning and tasteful bootleg of Erykah Badu's "Honey" which if you have not heard yet you must.

This brother has soul, integrity and a clear passion for what he is doing which just radiates from him. I have a lot of respect for him and I feel very honoured to have the opportunity to thank him for what he puts out, because the world is truly a better place because of it. Beautiful music inspires greatness.

Whilst at the RBMA Workshop, DJ Day mentioned a track which he did with Miles Bonny called "Learning To Fly" ** which he has put out for free download here.

** by the way, when discussing experimental albums, DJ Day dropped "Dark Side Of The Moon", i later asked him if he preferred Pink Floyd with or without David Gilmour, like a man after my own heart, he said with David Gilmour. It is interesting that this track is called "Learning to Fly. He advised that he released this track for free as a way from moving on from what he had been creating, as though to release himself to go into new directions. Learning to Fly (by Pink Floyd) was written by David Gilmour once Roger Waters left Pink Floyd, leaving Gilmour to take over as the "leader"of Pink Floyd post Waters departure.... Fitting.