Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Organikismness - Sleep Walkers

So Phat is no longer. Not a surprise really, i am sure that the ones i did not go (pre Phat10) to where better than the one i did go to (Phat10) but i have to say, they lost touch with their roots. Booking Datsik for Phat11? Seriously? what the fuck where they thinking? Who knows....

I hope something awesome will stand up and the gap that this has no doubt left for all bass fans of Aotearoa who made the mission to play in the mud... hopefully future organizers will have the smarts to turn the music down (or off) between the hours of dawn and 12pm to give people SOME level of respite and throw a bit more reggae/downtempo in there rather than small time DJs who constantly thrash the 'song of the moment' (meaning every set will contain the same song so by the time your 3 days are up you hate it)...

Anyway, i digress. it is always sad to see the end of an era regardless of my personal feelings towards it. Organikismness was a Phat staple (who always plays a great set no matter where he is playing) and wrote 'Sleep Walkers' in honor of Phat - 'this tune goes out to every nutter i ever saw between the hours of 5 - 10 am, you bunch of te - rards were what made it so special'.